Policies & Agreements : Cancellations, Informed Consent, Respect & Boundaries
When booking, you agree to the following information...
ALL appointments are subject to the following policies:
Rescheduling: Sometimes life likes to throw you the occasional curveball, it happens. In an effort to be equitable and fair to all clients, if you need to reschedule your appointment we do require minimum 24 hrs notice to give someone else the opportunity to book an appointment. Appointments are non-transferable. If you cannot give 24 hours notice you will be charged the full session amount. Cancellations must be notified by phone 541-819-0824 OR email blissfulbeingwellness@gmail.com
No Show: If you forget or consciously choose not to show up to your appointment, you are considered a “no show” and will be charged the full amount of the session and asked to prepay your next appointment.
Late Arrivals: In the event of a late arrival, depending on how late, your session may be cut short to accommodate those clients coming in after you. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late without prior communication by phone or email, your appointment will have been considered a "no show." If we determine that there is not enough time to accommodate your session, a rescheduling fee will apply and must be paid prior to rescheduling an appointment.
Sanitization protocol: Client agrees to inform therapist/instructor of any potential exposure of symptoms of illness. Therapist/instructor will keep clean hands and thoroughly sanitizes the space before and after each client/class in-line with Oregon state laws and statutes. HEPA/UV filter will be running throughout the session.
Scents & Sensitivities: For those who may be scent sensitive, please be sure to not wear any strong perfumes or essential oils. Additionally, We request that you please avoid use of tobacco prior to treatment, thank you!
**Please note: These policies are in place to observe a mutual respect for one another’s time. While a missed appointment may not be a big deal to you, We urge you to remember that this time has been set aside, specifically for you, and only you. This is a small business, run by a young entrepreneur with self-employed individuals, and this is how we make a living and provide for our families. Missed appointments result in missed income resulting in unexpected hitches in our financial ability to provide for ourselves. Thank you for your understanding!
Informed Consent
Prior to each massage session, the treatment plan will be discussed with you. At your first visit, you will be asked to sign the treatment consent form stating that you have read the information, understand it, and agree to comply with the professional massage therapy policies and procedures.
Clients who we have not seen for at least a year may also be asked to fill out this form.
*Please notify us of any allergies or sensitivities to aromas or ingredients when you schedule your appointment.
Scope of Practice
Blissful Being Wellness offers skilled massage therapy from Oregon licensed professional(s) and held to the highest standards of the American Massage Therapy Association.
Massage Therapy is a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.
Licensed Massage Therapists do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. I may refer you to a medical doctor for diagnosis or treatment. The services are not intended as an alternative for proper medical attention for specific conditions. Please refer to a medical doctor for any specific condition which requires medical treatment.
Respect for Client Needs and Boundaries
We can to adjust pressure, temperature, musical volume, work longer on an area or move on if you request it.
The client may choose to: leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods, stop massage at any time.
The client will always be modestly draped. Only the area being massaged will be undraped. The clients will be kept informed of the area to be massaged.
Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage therapist is NEVER appropriate.
Confidentiality and Conversation
We treat all client visits and conditions as confidential. As such, we will not discuss your visit with anybody outside of our staff without your express permission (requires written consent).
You may choose to talk not talk during the massage. Conversation will be guided by the client’s direction.
Existing and New Medical Conditions
It is the responsibility of the client to keep the massage therapist informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc., that the massage may be continued.
The client must also keep the massage therapist/ yoga instructor informed of any changes in health conditions.
For clients undergoing chemo and radiation therapies – Please note that we require a doctor’s note that states the doctor is aware of and agrees to the desired treatment.
If you have any questions on the above information, please direct them to the Alix Marmulstein, LMT at 541-819-0824 or email blissfulbeingwellness@gmail.com.